Insurance Credentialing Services

  • +1 (407) 432-3226

Get in-network & accept insurance.

Insurance credentialing services for therapists and mental health providers

illustration of mental health billing assistant reviewing insurance credentialing

Insurance Credentialing Assistance

Interested in accepting insurance but not quite sure how to get started? You’ve come to the right place. With Circle’s insurance credentialing services, you can simply submit one application and sit back as Circle’s credentialing team secures your insurance credentials on your behalf.

How it Works

Insurance Credentialing Services

Plan Selection

With Circle’s insurance credentialing services, your practice will be assigned to one of Circle’s seasoned credentialing assistants. Your credentialing assistant will work with you directly to select the best insurance plans for your practice to accept. In addition, they will maintain direct contact with you throughout the entire insurance credentialing process.

insurance credentialing services illustration with checklist and assistant
insurance credentialing services illustration with checklist and assistant

Plan Selection

With Circle’s insurance credentialing services, your practice will be assigned to one of Circle’s seasoned credentialing assistants. Your credentialing assistant will work with you directly to select the best insurance plans for your practice to accept. In addition, they will maintain direct contact with you throughout the entire insurance credentialing process.

Insurance Credentialing services consultation illustration with colleagues and conference table

Insurance Credentialing Services

Submit Practice Information

Upon selecting the best insurance plans for your practice to accept, your credentialing assistant will provide you with a simple application requesting information about your practice. After completing this application, your credentialing assistant will submit all necessary documentation to your selected insurance plans and begin working with them directly to secure your credentials

insurance credentialing services process illustration with assistant, computer, and stopwatch

Application Processing

The Credentialing process for most insurance plans takes several weeks. However, you can enjoy the peace of mind that your credentialing assistant is working directly with established insurance relationships and assigned insurance plan representatives to expedite the approval of your credentialing application. All while, maintaining direct contact with you to ensure that you always know the status of your pending applications.

Insurance Credentialing Services

Application Processing

The Credentialing process for most insurance plans takes several weeks. However, you can enjoy the peace of mind that your credentialing assistant is working directly with established insurance relationships and assigned insurance plan representatives to expedite the approval of your credentialing application. All while, maintaining direct contact with you to ensure that you always know the status of your pending applications.

insurance credentialing services process illustration with assistant, computer, and stopwatch
insurance approval illustration with assistant, computer and check

Insurance Credentialing Services

Application Approval

After your credentialing application is approved, your credentialing assistant will immediately inform you of your status. They will then maintain direct contact with you until you receive your first insurance disbursement from the plan in which they assisted you in securing insurance credentials.

Managed Insurance Billing

Insurance Billing Services

Insurance Claim Coding & Submission

Looking for additional assistance coding and billing insurance claims? With Circle’s insurance claim submission services, therapists with insurance credentials can outsource all of their insurance billing to our team of industry-leading billing experts. 

illustration of mental health billing services assistant working on submitting insurance claims
illustration of mental health billing services assistant working on submitting insurance claims

Insurance Claim Coding & Submission

Looking for additional assistance coding and billing insurance claims? With Circle’s insurance claim submission services, therapists with insurance credentials can outsource all of their insurance billing to our team of industry-leading billing experts. 

The Circle Difference

Enhanced Rates

Don’t settle for low session rates with provider networks or group practices. Get paid the full allowable rate for your services every time.

Competitive Pricing

We aim to make our services affordable for practices of all sizes offering industry-leading low rates.

Experienced Service Providers

Every member of our service team has been carefully vetted and upholds at least 7 years (minimium) experience providing direct billing and credentialing support to mental health practices.

Direct In-House Communication

We provide both you and your clients direct access to our in-house service teams so that no one is ever kept out of the loop. Never get stuck waiting for the next available agent at an overseas call center. With Circle both you and your clients can always speak directly with a member of our team, guaranteed.

Individualized Support

We know one size doesn’t fit all. That’s why we always custom tailor our service packages to serve both your practice and your client’s needs specifically.

Expedited Turn-Around Times

Our team provides industry-leading turn-around times for all of our service offerings. From providing expedited credentialing, to submitting insurance claims within 48 hours of a session note, our team maintains a high level of excellence in ensuring that your practice’s operations are always kept up to date.

The most important decision you will ever make is the people you bring into your Circle.